author - translator - poet - academic
Shattered Smile
Anitha Devi Pillai
I gathered broken pieces
of my heart scattered all over
the floor of the year.
The larger pieces that I found,
I kept – to glue together someday.
Memories of lazy conversations
stolen moments and silly laughter,
broken but intact.
The smaller pieces escaped me as
they turned to dust with my touch.
Some dissolved in the tears
like forgotten promises
leaving no trace at all.
I could not save those.
The rest – tiny odds and bits
were the hardest to discard.
Photos, messages, gifts –
they left me bleeding
as I yanked them off their pedestal.
I found his shadow at the door
and he said ‘hello’ once again.
I smiled.
First published in SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English Journal, 2019