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Anitha Devi Pillai

Has it been ten years my friend?

Since we last heard your soft-spoken voice

and watched your gentle way with the little ones?


Wasn’t it just yesterday

when we heard you speak with conviction

on the state of affairs and the unfairness

of a world torn apart in hatred -

a world where you had left a part of you behind?

Even in the face of injustice

your words were measured and gentle.

We sat there enthralled.

Has it been ten years my friend –

the devoted family man, husband, doctor and friend

since we last heard your laughter

drowning out our worries over little things?

I remember the experiments in the kitchen

you teasing us about Tum’s Thai takeaway,

midnight walks to the bakery

and the Randwick home we called ‘Ruban’s’.

You were the glue that held us together.

Ten years ago in person

now in your memory.

A memory we evoke often

telling our kids we were once friends

with the man in the picture.

Has it been ten years my friend?

We sit here in disbelief.

Dedicated to Dr Nagaruban Arumugam (Ruban) on his 10th death anniversary












Press Reports and Speech in NSW Parliament - Remembering Ruban:


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