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author - translator - poet - academic
I Will not Say Goodbye​
Anitha Devi Pillai
I will not say goodbye –
not today over this meal…
We have many more morning coffees to have,
and lunches and dinners bent over our books,
in our memories to live through.
I will not say goodbye –
not now, not tonight as we gather…
You have held my hand through the storms,
Propped me up to the world when I was weak,
Clapped the loudest when I won,
and always had my back.
I will not say goodbye - just au revoir, perhaps.
For blessed are those who have a true friend –
as I have in you.
Au revoir…till our next morning coffee,
laughter and a red velvet cake finds us together.
I will not say goodbye tonight as we gather.
Dedicated to Dr Mary Ellis
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